ASCA National Model

As a school counselor, I hold myself to high standards specifically related to planning, assessing, communicating, and managing my students’ future success. I strive to follow the ASCA National Model each day. It is important to uphold a comprehensive school counseling program that promotes equity, encourages all students to engage in rigorous academics, and promotes positive systemic change in the school environment. I strive to reach those goals daily as evidenced by my interactions with the students, collaboration with fellow counselors, teachers, administrators, and parents, and intentionality to close achievement gaps through use of various interventions, individually and within the classroom environment.



What will I do?
Establish and maintain the focus of my school counseling program based on student needs


How will I deliver?

By providing direct services to my students 80% of my time during the school day. The remainder of my time will be providing indirect services, like doing paperwork.


How will I engage in management?

By using organizational assessments and tools that will help me keep track of my time as well as examining overall data for the school.


How will I hold myself accountable?

One word: Data!